Saturday, 31 August 2013

Travel Diary #1
Party in the USA

Dress - missguided
Bag - primark
Flatform converse - schuh
Watch - it was my mom's in the 80's

Okay, so I'm sorry about that awful mean girls quote, I'm blaming it on the jet lag! But I'm in the USA y'all!! First stop Vegas!  
Yesterdays events started with a 6.15am pick up from Duuuwayne our bus driver who was an absolute howler, making us laugh with his typical American outburst the whole way to the Canyon! All I can say about the Grand Canyon itself is how utterly surreal it was! I don't think anyone can understand the sheer size and beauty of it until you see it yourselves! I seriously advise making this trip guys, as it was definitely, without a doubt, the best day of my life! 
We got to have lunch with the Haulapai tribe, who's gift shop had the most amazing things, like dream catchers, tribal enprinted arrows ect, this all ended up being abit lethal to my bank account, oops! And then after all that, we then had a night out in Vegas! 
Well the outfit was decided purely around the fact it was about 111 Fahrenheit, so I kept it pretty simple! Just a cute little white swing dress, which has been my favourite colour this summer, boring I know but perfect. Goes with anything, brings out a tan, so from just that alone its a winner with me! I opted for the bag purely because it is like a Mary Poppin's, theres no limit on how much you can fit in there and to make it even better, it was only £9 from primark! Can I get an amen ladies? Then finally my beloved converse, that are amazing purely because there flatforms. 
Next stop San Diego!